We Offer a Client-Centered approach to adults in need of assistance with daily life skills so they can lead fulfilling, enriching lives
in their communities…
YCS Sawtelle Residences provide intensive behavioral interventions in permanent, home-like environments for adults with acute developmental and intellectual disabilities (including autism spectrum disorders) and co-occurring behavioral or medically fragile conditions..
YCS currently serves approximately 90 individuals in 18 single-family homes or apartments across the state. Every individual has his or her own bedroom and participates in self-selected recreational activities at the home and in the community.
Sawtelle Residences give family members peace of mind knowing that their offspring are learning how to control their behaviors in a safe, caring, nurturing environment while learning new skills and participating in life-enriching experiences.
“It’s all about respect and taking the time to truly understand what an individual is trying to say. When a resident feels valued, they will blossom and challenging behaviors will fade.”
Every Sawtelle Home reflects the group’s unique interests
Together, the Sawtelle staff and residents plan a robust schedule of activities based on individual likes and preferences. At one home, individuals enjoy horseback riding each week; another Home offers yoga instruction, while residents at a third Home look forward to visits from a therapy dog twice a week. Some sites like to take trips to the movies, others prefer movie night at the home.
And, who doesn’t like to eat out? It’s a special time that all the residents look forward to at least twice a month. Consensus has it that a favorite spot for all is a buffet.
Caregivers and extended family are invited several times a year to YCS Family FUN days. It may be a summer BBQ with water games or a trip to the bowling alley. Many sites also celebrate holidays like Halloween and Thanksgiving with the families.
At several sites residents practice their favorite dance moves, songs or other talents for a joint annual talent show.