YCS Board of Trustees

As a not-for-profit 503c organization, YCS is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees. The Board consists of leaders from various industries and persons  concerned with the welfare of children and their families. The Board is led by a Chairperson and six Officers. The President, who manages the operation of the agency, also sits on the Board.

YCS, Inc. Board

Chairperson: John Uzzi
Vice Chairperson: Faye Samuels
Treasurer: John Fatigati
Secretary: Catherine Tamburello
President/CEO: Tara Augustine
Dominick Bratti, Esq.
Bruce Egert, Esq.
John Ehresman
Jacqueline Luthcke
Mindy Michaels Roth, Esq.
Jennifer Mitchell
Eric Schott
Allison Stangeby
YCS Foundation Board

Chairperson: Bruce Egert, Esq.
Vice Chairperson: Vanessa Tyler
Treasurer: John Uzzi
Secretary: Joan Hickey
President/CEO: Tara Augustine
Dominick Bratti, Esq.
Charles Di Pietro
Jonathan P. Durant
Brian Fisher
Ludmila K Golad JD,AED
Steve Grossman
Peggy Kabakow
Faye Samuels
Van Seretis
Ryan Tola

YCS Honorary Trustees

Burt Augustensen
Bruce K. Byers
James R. Farrell
Dallas Garbee
Brian N. Lokker
Barbara H. Malcolm
Elizabeth R. Perkins
Elsie N. Pilgrim
Elayne Rosen
Joan Rosenbaum
John R. Smith
Fran Tobin
Harold Williams