Pregnant with your FIRST baby? Unsure of what to do? Nurse Family Partnership Can Help!
Nurse Family Partnership (NFP) is a FREE voluntary, program where a compassionate, registered nurse, skilled in pre and post natal care, visits the first time mother-tobe in the comfort of her home throughout the pregnancy and up until her child’s second birthday.
Your NFP nurse will:
- Advise you of all the things you need to do to have a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.
- Show you how to eat right, quit smoking and develop healthy life style habits.
- Answer all your questions about parenting .
- Teach you the skills you will need to enjoy a happy fulfilling relationship with your baby.
- Help you find healthcare, childcare and other support services available in your community.
- Guide you as you continue your education and develop job skills.
- Assist you in setting and reaching goals for yourself and your family.
Your NFP nurse will work with you to set up a convenient home visitation schedule of at least two visits each month.
NFP is open to any woman pregnant with her first child who lives in Essex County. A Woman can enroll up to 28th week of her pregnancy. A parent, friend, relative, or father can refer a mother to our program.
NFP is a free, voluntary program. NFP is not associated with protective services and all information is kept in the strictest confidence.
The Nurse Family Partnership Program is a collaboration between