
Community Programs
Dr. Helen May Strauss Clinic – An outpatient clinic of YCS
serves the behavioral health and mental health needs of families in Essex and Hudson counties. The clinic offers:

  • Infant and preschool mental health assessments and treatment for children birth–6 and families.
  • Mental Health services for children 7–21 and their families.
  • Evaluations for Autism Spectrum Disorder and Developmental Disabilities for children children birth-6
    • Hudson County: 201-865-7450

      Essex County: 973-395-5500

Nurse Family Partnership (Essex and Morris Counties) – A nurse in-home visitation program that serves first – time, low-income pregnant women and their infants until the age of two. Phone #: 973-395-5500

Baby Steps (Essex and Morris Counties) – A developmental guidance program for teen moms, expectant women, new parents and caregivers of infants up to 3 years of age. Phone #: 973-395-5500

Adoption Search Services – YCS provides search services to adoptees 18 years and older who are interested in establishing contact with their birth family and/or obtaining or providing updated medical information, for birth parents and siblings. Phone #: 973-854-3611

Parents-As-Teachers (PAT) – An in-home case management program for expectant women and families with children up to the age of 6 in Hudson County. Phone #: 201-864-1047

Specialized Foster Care- Statewide services – If you can provide a loving, safe and stable home
for a child or youth with special needs, you may qualify to become a YCS Specialized Foster family.
Caregivers receive monthly stipends up to $1,500 to care for their child as well as a clothing allowance,
medical coverage and all the necessary therapeutic support services to insure your child gets the
best care.

    Phone #:

    North/Central Jersey 1888-322-5437
    Southern Jersey 1-877-482-4453

School-Based Youth Services Program – East Side High School, Paterson – Encourage teens to stay in school &
provides employment, health, social service & recreational activities. Phone #: 973-321-1000 x 51130

Parent Linking Program – East Side High School, Paterson – helps build healthy relationships
between teen parents and their children and to minimize /eliminate barriers that often
prevent the ability of expecting teens (including young fathers) to complete their education. Phone #: 973-321-1000 x 51130

21st Century Program East Side High School, Paterson, an after-school/summer program that encourages career exploration with hands on instruction in a wide range of fields. Phone #: 973-321-1000 x 51130