Therapeutic Nurseries

The YCS Therapeutic Nurseries are licensed children’s partial care programs designed to assist children, 2 1/2  to 5 year or age, with emotional and behavioral difficulties that interfere with healthy functioning and social relationships.

Under the supervision of our child psychiatrist and psychologist, our clinical team develops a comprehensive treatment plan for the child using the child’s unique profile.  All interventions are individually planned and highly structured and include daily living skills, recreation, self-esteem building, socialization and educational enrichment and remediation.

Parent/caregiver support groups and individual consultations are provided. Families of enrolled  children are involved in therapeutic services.

YCS operates two Therapeutic Nurseries in East Orange and Secaucus.  Cost for these programs as well as transportation are covered by Medicaid.  For more information, please contact, Dina Sundberg at

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